Douglas Weibel

  • 2016 Keynote Speaker
  • 2018 Keynote Speaker


Douglas B. Weibel is an Associate Professor of Biochemistry, Chemistry, and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He received his B.S. degree in chemistry in 1996 from the University of Utah (with Prof. C. Dale Poulter). From 1996-1997 he was a Fulbright Fellow at Tohoku University, Japan and studied organometallic chemistry (with Prof. Yoshinori Yamamoto). He received his Ph.D. in chemistry from Cornell University in 2002 (with Prof. Jerrold Meinwald). During his graduate studies he was an intern at Orchid Biosciences Inc. (now LabCorp) and a visiting scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Jena, Germany (with Prof. Wilhelm Boland). From 2002-2006 he was a postdoctoral fellow with Prof. George M. Whitesides at Harvard University and in 2005 he was a student in the Physiology Course (‘Modern Cell Biology using Microscopic, Biochemical, and Computational Approaches’) at the Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole (Course Directors, Prof. Ron Vale and Prof. Tim Mitchison).

Since joining the faculty at UW-Madison 2006, he has received a number of research and teaching accolades, including: the Class of 1955 Distinguished Teaching Award (2014), the Early Career Life Science Award from the American Society for Cell Biology (2013), the NIH Director’s New Innovator Award (2011), a DuPont Professorship (2010-2013), an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship (2009), the DARPA Young Faculty Award (2009), and a Search Scholar Award (2008). He was a visiting professor of physics at the University of Washington, Seattle and a principal scientist at, Inc. from 2014-2015. He has consulted for a range of public and privately held companies (including Google[X], Cubist Pharmaceuticals [now Merck] and, Inc.) in the areas of biotechnology, bioengineering, chemistry, applied biology, materials science, and manufacturing and has participated in a range of government advisory positions in the areas of biodefense, infectious diseases, and biomedicine. He is a co-founder of two start-up companies: Agri Diagnostics Inc. develops products that improve agricultural yields; Avilas Health Inc. develops quantitative, at-home fertility tests. His research interests span the fields of chemistry, biochemistry, biophysics, materials science and engineering, and microbiology.